So gerade noch pünktlich zu Weihnachten haben Jesse und ich es geschafft, jemory joker fertig zu stellen, die Überraschungsversion von jemory dem Künstler-Memory-Spiel. Beides… mehr »j-apps aktuell
„jemory joker„ our surprise version of the artist memory game „jemory“ is now in the App store. View in iTunes So go for it! Merry… mehr »jemory joker out now!
jemory joker out now!
Hey guys! Today we finally got the approval from Apple for jMagic! It is now „ready for sale“! We are really happy that it worked… mehr »Got it!
Got it!
Good evening! Today we finally finished the first test-version of the jMagic app. After changing, adding and improving the style and sounds, we are… mehr »jMagic goes beta!
jMagic goes beta!
Hi Everybody! After several weeks of coding for first Apple application, jMagic, it is slowly coming to an end. The App’s core is finished… mehr »JMagic – Development
JMagic – Development
coming soon…