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j-apps news 2011 12


    Just in time for Christmas Jesse and I have managed to get jemory joker
    finished – the surprise release of the artist memory game jemory.

    Both are beautifully designed memory games for iPad and iPad 2.

    Look at them, read the descriptions on itunes,
    (more artist editions are already in preparation: Tita do Rêgo Silva, Ulf Harten,
    DM Trocken, Rudi Kargus, Stephan Feder…).
    download them, tell your friends, rate them with many stars
    and if you have a little time please write a great review.

    But hurry:
    jemory will be only two days for free, then we offer it for 10 days on the special Christmas price.
    jemory joker however remains free as our little Christmas present for you.



    jemory joker
    jemory joker


    And for those who do not yet know.
    Our little magic App for iPhone / iPod Touch
    Always good for a surprise: